PhD student
Supervisor(s): Otto A. Hannuksela, Tjonnie Li
Contact: hemantaphurailatpam@gmail.com
Research interests
- Gravitational waves (GW): i) Waveform modelling ii) GW lensing statistics
- Bayesian Analysis
- Astrophysical statistics
- Computational physics
- B.Sc. Hons. Physics; Hindu College, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India; 2012-2015
- M.Sc. Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India; 2016-2018
- Ph.D. Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; 2020-present
- Book; Phurailatpam Hemantakumar, In The realm of Bose (The diary of a teenagers brief sojourn at Bose Institute) ; 2013
- Paper Journal; Bhuvnesh, Phurailatpam Hemantakumar, 2015, Measurement of Time Period of A Simple Pendulum using an Electronic Circuit, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY (IJERT) NCETRASECT 2015 (Volume 3; Issue 23)
- Paper; Ready-to-use Fourier domain templates for compact binaries inspiraling along moderately eccentric orbits; Srishti Tiwari, Achamveedu Gopakumar, Maria Haney, and Phurailatapam Hemantakumar; 2019