There is a supermassive black hole inside every galaxy, in particular, at the centre of the galaxies, also known as the active galactic nucleus (AGN). Surrounding many of these giants are accretion disks, where stellar-mass black holes can form. These smaller black holes can then merge and create ripples of spacetime, known as gravitational waves…
Author: Samson Leong
GW230529: A neutron star merging with an unknown compact object
中文版本請到訪這裡。 LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) Collaboration recently announced the discovery of the exceptional event GW230529, a binary merger between a neutron star and a “mass gap object”, a potential black hole with mass between 3 and 5 solar masses. Find out more about this event in the science summary, or the PDF flyer below.
GW230529: 中子星與未知緻密天體的併合
The English version can be found here. 最近 LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) 科學合作組職發佈了一次特別的觀測事件 GW230529。這次重力波事件來自一顆中子星和一個可能是黑洞的天體的併合,而後者的質量落在 「質量間隙」中,介乎於 3 至 5 個太陽質量。 更多資訊可以在此科學總結中找到,或者下列的檔案。