We are going to hold the very first CUHK Gravitational Wave Open Data Workshop (2024) targeting undergraduates, postgraduates and postdoctoral fellows interested in learning Gravitational-Wave data analysis techniques. Please see the following page for more information.
Category: Outreach
GW230529: A neutron star merging with an unknown compact object
中文版本請到訪這裡。 LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) Collaboration recently announced the discovery of the exceptional event GW230529, a binary merger between a neutron star and a “mass gap object”, a potential black hole with mass between 3 and 5 solar masses. Find out more about this event in the science summary, or the PDF flyer below.
GW230529: 中子星與未知緻密天體的併合
The English version can be found here. 最近 LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) 科學合作組職發佈了一次特別的觀測事件 GW230529。這次重力波事件來自一顆中子星和一個可能是黑洞的天體的併合,而後者的質量落在 「質量間隙」中,介乎於 3 至 5 個太陽質量。 更多資訊可以在此科學總結中找到,或者下列的檔案。
HS Winter Workshop 2023
In December, our group held a whole-day workshop aimed at Hong Kong high school students with an interest in gravitational waves. The session consisted of a general introduction to the topic of gravitational-wave physics: what gravitational waves are, where they come from, how we detect them, and how we analyze them. The workshop consisted of…